WITULI specializes in a large selection of high quality, used unisex shirts in two different styles: flannel shirts & Hawaiian shirts. Easy to sort inventory and attention to category detail has made WITULI an ideal solution for those looking to put together sets for large groups, events and gatherings based on a particular color or color palette.
Soft & Sustainable, the best two words I've found to describe WITULI.
I've chosen to practice business sustainably, which is a choice I made in my personal life as well... and not just because its tReNdY. More on that later. All the product I purchase for WITULI is second hand and all packaging is recyclable or compostable. Everything I wear personally I want to be soft, not itchy or scratchy and I know I'm not the only one. While shopping for inventory I choose to buy fabrics that are soft to the touch and high quality; for clothing I choose to only buy 100% cotton flannel shirts & rayon Hawaiian shirts.
WITULI where does the name come from?
At the moment it means nothing other than holding on to a bit of history about where I started. I took WITULI full time in 2018 but technically WITULI started in 2014 when I started making & selling gift tags, the kind you put on presents. At the time WITULI stood for "Wrap It 'Til U Love It" but a few years later I began transitioning to selling flannel shirts and making WITULI a full-time gig, which became a reality in 2018. Honestly, I think WITULI just has a nice ring to it. I tried re-working the acronym into something more relevant but failed, and the name has stuck ever since.
How to you pronounce WITULI anyway? "wih-tool-E"
Honestly, I had a hard time not setting the entire tone of my website in the collective third person perspective. It's me Lexi, I'm the people behind WITULI. I'm the buyer, photographer, marketer, website maintainer, content creator, returns processor, shipping expert & accountant. I'm the person on the other side of all our emails, chat boxes & social media. Since it's just me, I really wanted to get that point across and not pull any wool over your eyes by saying "we". There is no team except for the laundry service I hired to help me clean hundreds of items every month lol that's just too much laundry for my home.

Mt. Thielson Summit, Oregon
Meet the owner, Lexi
I'm adventure driven. I tend to gravitate toward high peaks of the outdoors, but I'm also talking about other types of adventure: experiences, creativity & exploring.
I live on the Oregon coast so adventure is always around the corner. Turn-around trip to climb a mountain? Count me in. Road-trip to some random little town? I'm into it. New restaurant just opened? Yupp. Fun sewing project? New recipe? New friends? Literally anything new, different or weird, I'm always down for new experiences. The creative side of my brain lights up when I try something new.
Growing up our home was furnished with used furniture and my clothes were purchased second hand. At the time, it wasn't trendy to have an entire home full of used items, it was done out of necessity. As I got older I appreciated the beautiful home & life my parents created on a small budget, keeping quality in mind. Although they no longer do it out of necessity, they still source almost everything used to give their space a unique look. Plus, you really have no idea how much good stuff people get rid of until you're always out looking for those unique, high quality items. One of the best lessons I learned from my parents is not always jumping to buying something new and getting creative with what you already have. Thanks mom & dad. Enter WITULI.
Update: I recently entered my mid 30s as an expectant first time mom, due November 2024! Talk about new adventure 😅 we're very excited to meet her shortly and can't wait for what's to come.